Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yesterday I went back to the Dr for the first time since discontinuing the Metformin. I have been a little depressed and discouraged for a couple months but I am now starting to see light at the end of the tunnel.

Doc has me taking Provera, which I will start tommorrow, to bring on AF. Hopefully by the first week of May she will be here. Days 3-7 I will take Clomid. I will continue this for 3 months and I will go back in, in July, but hopefully it will be sooner and for another reason! ; )

My doc was so surprised I knew so much. When he was telling me he was going to give me something to bring on AF and I said "Provera?" He looked at me like WOW! He said it is good to know what is going on and is glad I have taken the time to research and educate myself because alot of woman have no idea!

DH is so awsome though all of this and he is just more relaxed and feels better whe he sees that I am feeling more positive and upbeat about the whole thing. For someone who told my mother "he cant make girls" (lol this was a couple years ago when he wanted a boy and nothing else(before TTC)) Now all he wants is a girl! I know he will be ecstatic either way but once his neice was born and he saw how delicate and beautiful they are it made him want one! Now his sister is having a girl and is due in June so he will get some good "girl" Practice!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Taking a little break....

Not from TTC, just from all the other aditives that drive me freaking insane. I am already on day 62 again. 7 days until my next Dr. appt and I can't wait. I am hoping and praying it is time for Clomid!

I was at a wedding shower this past weekend and DH's cousins wife and I got to talking and I learned she has had some issues herself and actually got pg with her DS on cycle 2 of Clomid. That let me be a little more hopeful of Clomid, since I have mostly heard good results from it, but knowing my luck it won't do shit for me!

I have just been down and depressed about the whole thing and have actually talked myself into not charting or chatting on GP. It just makes me feel worse. No offense to any of the ladies cause they are God sent! It's just a personal decision. I do lurk ;) once in awhile, just not all day everyday!

I will still be blogging when I think of it and I am still around if anyone is wondering how I am. Just shoot me a PM or comment on here! GL to all of you!