Monday, January 26, 2009

::sigh:: Today is the day

I have been waiting for this day for a couple of months, but it feels as though it has been forever! I need to know wth is going on with my body. At this point I dont care what the results are as long as I know and can move forward with treatment or something!

Today is also the day that DH's sister found out the sex of her baby. Now just to make this longer, she is the type of person who always gets her way, no matter what she has to do or who she has to hurt or piss off. She always has to feel as though she has everone's attention even if in reality they don't give two shits! So, with her first child, who is DH's godson who we love more than anything in the world (he is 3 now), she pretty much announced she was pregnant when their cousin and his fiancee had their baby. She wanted the attention and to her surprise everyone was more happy for the new baby! Ok, anyway, since she announced her 2nd pregnancy(around Thanksgiving) she has been saying its a girl...blah blah blah...because her first was a boy and now she wants a I was hoping and praying for it to be a boy, just to shut her the F up! But no....I get a text at 11 am..."It's a girl :)"......... ::slams head on anything possible:: now I want to punch her in the face!

So now I have to sit here for another 3 1/2 hours waiting to leave work for my appointment, where I am most likely going to hear that I am going to have to try hard to get pregnant.

O well....I guess life isnt always peachy. Slackers get shit easy and the people who bust their ass have to work for everything! Super!

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